Lent begins
This week marks the beginning of Lent. During Lent the Province Dehonian Associates Office is offering one-minute meditations on the significance of the Cross. Sent by email beginning this week on Ash Wednesday, the reflections come from the writings of Fr. Leo John Dehon. There will be 14 total, sent each Wednesday and Sunday, with a final meditation on Easter.
Everyone who is on the subscription list for Dehonian Spirituality will also receive these email meditations, “The Royal Road of the Cross with Leo John Dehon, SCJ.”
If you are not on the email subscription list and would like to be, click here. Anyone is welcome to be on the mailing list, including benefactors, co-workers and parishioners.
Please remember

Fr. Joseph George Coppens, a member of the Canadian Region, died on Saturday, February 14, surrounded by members of his SCJ community. He was 94, in the 72nd year of his religious profession, and the 67th year of priesthood.
Fr. George came to Canada in 1949 from his native Holland and spent several years ministering to Catholic immigrants from the Netherlands. He assisted them with housing and employment, he organized social activities for families, hosted evenings for youth, and was committed to keeping them connected to the church and their faith heritage.
He also served for many years as a teacher and prefect at the community’s school in Delaware Ontario. Fr. George assisted in parishes in the dioceses of London, Toronto and St. Catherine’s. He served as pastor of St. Joan of Arc parish in Toronto, Sacred Heart parish in Delaware, and Sacred Heart parish in Uxbridge. He was appointed treasurer of the Anglo-Canadian Province and until his death, was the local treasurer of the Toronto community.
The Vigil Service will be at St. Thomas More parish, Scarborough, on Thursday, February 19, at 7:30 pm. The
Funeral Mass will be Friday, February 20, at 10:30 am, also at St. Thomas More.
Health care program benefits benefactors
St. Joseph’s Indian School in Chamberlain, S.D., introduced an innovative health program in January, the benefits of which are aimed at the school’s own benefactors.
The “St. Joseph’s Health Access and Discount Program” provides access to board-certified doctors via telephone (TeleConsults) or a computer/mobile device (eConsults) for less money than most co-pays. In addition, the program offers savings and discounts on other medical services. Licensed nurses are available 24/7 and can be consulted at no charge.
“As a ‘thank you’ to our donors, we are excited to launch this program,” said Rita Cook, project manager assistant at St. Joe’s. “Not only can this program save our donors time and money, it directly benefits our students as a portion of proceeds are directed to the school. It’s really a win-win.”
Click here for more information about the program or call 1-855-366-9066.
Tattered breviary a fond memento of the Philippines

Fr. John Czyzynski posted his final journal entries from the Philippines on the province blog before beginning his journey back to the United States. The following is from February 10:
“On Saturday morning when I entered the chapel for morning prayer and Mass I received a surprise which I am going to treasure as a memento of my visit to our novitiate here in the Philippines. One of the dogs had gotten into the chapel during the night and played with my breviary the way they do with sandals they find. The cover has teeth marks on it and the additional leather cover had been thoroughly chewed. The ribbons were found on the grounds, two pages had sections torn out, but one of the novices found those missing pieces so I can tape them back together.
“I was going to buy a new cover when I got back to the States, but I thought and prayed about it and I have decided to keep the chewed up cover on my breviary.
“Whenever I pick up my breviary I will smile and pray for the guys in the novitiate at Padagian in Zambuango del Sur.”
Click here to read the rest of the post.
Feeding a formation community
Fr. Tom Cassidy has also been a regular contributor to the province blog. One of his recent entries noted the livestock maintained by the community in Eluru, including the community cow, who seems to have a love for soccer.

“Besides the pigs and cow we also have a flock of free range chickens,” wrote Fr. Tom. “I’m not sure how many there are but enough that from time to time we enjoy home-grown chicken as opposed to chickens purchased on the open market. I usually know when it’s the house variety by the racket that takes place just before John, our cook, dispatches the bird of the day. Usually as well I’ll see some feathers not too far from the kitchen door where the unlucky bird met its fate.
“Our one and only cow thinks it’s part human as it has no contact with others of its kind. If you let it on the soccer field it will butt the ball, but as far as I know it has never scored a goal.
“Last year we also had a herd of goats but there just isn’t enough land (about six acres) to support them, and besides, they tended to eat everything in sight, including Fr. Mariano’s vegetable garden. He has enough trouble trying to keep the cow from eating the grass he’s trying to grow.”
Click here to read the rest of this and other blog entries.
JPR Commission distributes nearly $70,000 in grants
The Justice, Peace and Reconciliation Commission of the US Province has chosen its annual grant recipients. Grants are given to organizations that further the Dehonian charism of “going to the people” as “prophets of love and servants of reconciliation.” Sponsored groups must have some connection to the SCJs, and are judged on their impact on the poor and their potential for contributing to social change. Special consideration is given to those that address issues that the US Province has identified as a high priority, such as immigration and economic justice.
This year, grantees include SET Ministry, the Benedict Center for Criminal Justice, the Dominican Center, and Common Ground in Milwaukee; Casa Juan Diego, Magnificat Houses, The Metropolitan Organization and Catholic Charities of Galveston-Houston in Texas; the 8th Day Center for Justice, Port Ministries, and the Br. David Darst Center in Chicago;, and St. John’s Homeless Shelter in Green Bay, WI.
Click here to learn more about these ministries.
Provincial’s time
Fr. Stephen Huffstetter spends much of this week in Hales Corners. Feb. 21-25 he is at the Dehon Formation Community in Chicago for a visitation and Feb. 28 – March 7 he will have a visitation in Texas.
Closing shot
Sacred Heart Southern Missions has assumed responsibility for the Marshall County Mobile Food Pantry (it also sponsors the DeSoto County mobile pantry). Pictured below is SHSM’s Sr. Deborah taking charge of the “grapefruit table” during last week’s distribution. Over 300 families received food on February 10.