The General Chapter concludes
Throughout the General Chapter, organizers, members of the general administration and delegates themselves referred to it as “extraordinary”. Held three years earlier than planned due to the appointment of Fr. Heiner Wilmer, SCJ, as bishop of Hildesheim, it was a short but intense two weeks of sessions during a which a new general administration was elected and priorities were established to help guide it in its work over the next six years.

Among the proposals endorsed by the chapter was one that called for the new administration to create a commission to review translations of the Rule of Life and General Directory for accuracy. Also, the “Directives of Intra-Congregational Aid,” was approved ad experimentum. It seeks, among other things, to create better systemization of the General Aid Fund, an international funding source that is vital for the implementation of Dehonian projects around the world.
Endorsedwas a recommendation that the new administration study criteria regarding the sending and welcoming of SCJs internationally. It was noted that the challenges of moving to a new geo-cultural area, even for a short time, concern much more than language.
Delegates also reviewed and endorsed proposals from the 2015 General Chapter. They included a motion to offer public solidarity with persecuted Christians, a proposal to continue to promote international formation experiences, and a motion to seek new organizational structures to adequately serve young, growing entities while at the same time meeting the needs of areas in which the Dehonian presence is declining.
The XXIV General Chapter concluded its work Friday morning, July 27, with one last session, during which, Fr. Paulus Suginio, SCJ, was honored for his service to the congregation. He was a member of the General Council during Bishop José Ornelas Carvalho’s administration and during Fr. Heiner Wilmer’s. He will soon return to Indonesia. Fr. Carlos Luis Suarez Codorniú, SCJ, superior general, was the main presider and homilist on Friday’s closing Mass. During the Mass, members of the newly elected council professed their commitment to service for the congregation.

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World Day Against Human Trafficking
Today is World Day Against Human Trafficking. On this day the United Nations calls upon the international community to urgently step up responses to the trafficking of children and young people who make up one-third of all victims worldwide. The Dehonian community at Sacred Heart Monastery / Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology began its day with Adoration, praying in a special way for those who are victims of human trafficking. Click here to learn more about the issue.
Keep in prayer
Fr. Ed Kilianski, SCJ, is expected to come home this week following rehabilitation from surgery. Please continue to keep him in prayer.
We remember

Fr. Reinier van Leeuwen, SCJ, a member of the Canadian Region, died July 25. He was born in 1929, professed in 1949 and ordained in 1956. Originally from the Netherlands, Fr. Rein served for many years in Indonesia before retiring to Montréal.
Visitation will be on August 2 from 2-5:00 p.m. and from 7-10:00 p.m., as well as on August 3 from 9-11:00 a.m. The funeral will be at St. Antoine Marie-Claret, 10660 Ave. Larose in Montréal on August 3 at 1:00 p.m.
Also, Fr. Pedro Gracía Verdú, SCJ, of the Spanish Province died on July 26. He was born in 1936, professed in 1967 and ordained in 1972.
SHSST chosen for cohort project
Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology is one of seven seminaries that has been chosen to take part in the second phase of a groundbreaking “Science for Seminaries” project.
The project, organized by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in consultation with the Association of Theological Schools (ATS), will assist a diverse group of seminaries to integrate science into their core curricula over an 18-month period. As many as 32 seminaries will be chosen to participate over the next four years, joining the 10 seminaries that have already completed a successful pilot program.
Joining SHSST in the cohort are Bethany Theological Seminary (Richmond, IN), Kenrick-Glennon Seminary (St. Louis, MO), McCormick Theological Seminary (Chicago, IL), Mundelein Seminary (Mundelein, IL), Nazarene Theological Seminary (Kansas City, MO), and Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary of Andrews University (Berrien Springs, MI).
The AAAS is an international non-profit organization dedicated to advancing science for the benefit of all people.
Click here to read more about the project on the AAAS website.

Ministering in SD
Postulant Hubert Liassidji is helping with ministry this summer in South Dakota. Last week he wrote about his experience working at a summer camp held at St. Catherine’s in Big Bend.
“The theme of the camp was ‘Jesus Love,’” wrote Hubert. Each day had a special focus, starting with “Jesus’ love is powerful, and then Jesus’ love is refreshing, is for you, gives us life, and most importantly, Jesus’ love is for everyone.
“At the end of this summer camp, the kids came to understand that when a family is together, they share their love. And when a family shares their love, Jesus is right there with them.”
Happy birthday!
Those celebrating birthdays in August include: Fr. Steve Pujdak (75) on Aug. 2; Br. Peter Mankins (89), Br. Bernard Taube (86) and Fr. Walter van As (95) on Aug. 8; Br. Ray Kozuch (73) on Aug. 22, Br. Frank Snider (72) and Br. Frank Presto (63) on Aug. 28 and Fr. Herman Falke (90) on Aug. 31. Happy birthday!!
Closing photo
Dn. Juan Carlos Castañeda Rojas, SCJ, is pictured here after celebrating his first baptisms as a deacon. The baptisms took place at Our Lady of Guadalupe in Houston where Dn. Juancho is now serving.
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